UI Components

MDX Components Documentation

Tweet Component

The Tweet component is used to embed a tweet within your content. It accepts the following props:

textstringThe content of the tweet.
urlstringThe URL of the tweet.
authorobjectInformation about the tweet's author.

Example Usage

  text="Excited about the new features in our latest release! 🚀 #ProductUpdate"
    name: 'John Doe',
    handle: 'exampleuser',
    avatar: '/path/to/avatar.jpg',

Video Component

The Video component is used to embed a local video within your content. It accepts the following props:

urlstringThe URL of the video file.
titlestring (opiotnal)The title of the video.

Example Usage

<Video url="/path/to/video.mp4" title="Introduction to Our Product" />

YouTube Component

The YouTube component allows you to embed YouTube videos in your content. It accepts the following prop:

videoIdstringThe YouTube video ID.

Example Usage

<YouTube videoId="your-youtube-video-id" />

MuxVideo Component

The MuxVideo component is designed to embed Mux-hosted videos. It accepts the following prop:

playbackIdstringThe Mux video playback ID.

Example Usage

<MuxVideo playbackId="your-mux-video-playback-id" />

Testimonial Component

The Testimonial component is used to display customer testimonials. It accepts the following prop:

childrennodeThe content of the testimonial.
authorobjectInformation about the testimonial's author.
author.namestringThe name of the testimonial's author.
author.imagestring (optional)The image URL of the testimonial's author.

Example Usage

    name: 'Jane Doe',
    image: '/path/to/author-image.jpg',
  "This product changed my life! Highly recommended."
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